How to Make Electric Smoker Chicken Thighs?

Chicken thighs are versatile, affordable, and delicious cuts of chicken that are perfect for smoking. And thanks to modern electric smokers, it’s easier than ever to get started with smoking your own chicken at home! 

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through how to make electric smoker chicken thighs that are juicy, flavorful, and sure to please the whole family.

You can also check our articles on The Ultimate Guide to Seasoning an Electric Smoker, Masterbuilt Smoker Instructions: A Detailed Guide, Smoked Drumsticks: How to Make Chicken Drumsticks, How to Make Masterbuilt Smoked Ribs, How to Clean Masterbuilt Smoker, and How to Get Bark on Brisket in Electric Smoker.

How to Smoke Chicken Thighs in Electric Smoker?

How to Smoke Chicken Thighs in Electric Smoker

If you’re new to smoking chicken, don’t worry – it’s actually quite easy! Here’s a quick rundown of how to get started:

Choose your Chicken

First things first, you’ll need to choose the chicken thighs that you’ll be smoking. 

Should I use bone-in or boneless chicken thighs?

This is a matter of personal preference, but we find that bone-in chicken thighs tend to be more flavorful. Boneless chicken thighs will work just fine, but they may not be quite as flavorful.

Should I remove skin from chicken thighs before smoking?

Again, this is a matter of personal preference. If you prefer skinless chicken, go ahead and remove it before smoking. However, we find that the skin helps to keep the chicken thighs moist during the smoking process.

Now that you’ve selected your chicken, it’s time to prepare them for smoking! 

Preparing your Chicken Thighs for Smoking

The key to great-tasting smoked chicken thighs is to use a quality dry rub. This will help to flavor the chicken, as well as keep it moist during the smoking process.

There are many different dry rub recipes out there, so feel free to experiment to find the perfect one for your taste buds. 

How to Brine Chicken Thighs?

If you want to take your chicken thighs to the next level, we recommend brining them before smoking. This is a simple process of soaking the chicken in a saltwater solution, which helps to tenderize the meat and keep it moist during cooking.

To brine chicken thighs, simply submerge them in a mixture of 1 cup of salt per gallon of water. Let the chicken thighs soak for at least 2 hours or up to 12 hours for the best results. 

Once your chicken thighs are prepped and ready to go, it’s time to fire up the smoker!

Smoking your Chicken Thighs

Set your electric smoker to 225 degrees Fahrenheit and preheat for at least 30 minutes. 

While your smoker is preheating, it’s a good time to prepare your wood chips. We recommend using hickory or apple wood chips for chicken, as they impart a nice flavor without being too overwhelming. 

Soak your wood chips in water for at least 30 minutes, then drain them before using. This will help to prevent them from burning too quickly in the smoker.

Once your smoker is preheated, and your wood chips are ready, it’s time to start smoking!

Place your chicken thighs in the smoker, making sure that they’re not touching each other. Smoke the chicken for about 2 hours, or until they reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. 

If you find that your chicken thighs are getting too much smoke, you can wrap them in foil for the remainder of the cooking time. 

Once your chicken thighs are fully cooked, remove them from the smoker and let them rest for at least 10 minutes. This will help to ensure that they’re juicy and flavorful. And that’s it! 

Serve them up with your favorite sides, and enjoy!

How Long to Smoke Chicken Thighs in Electric Smoker?

The cooking time for chicken thighs will vary depending on their size and thickness. We recommend smoking them for around 2 hours or until they reach an internal temperature of 165°F at 225°F. For boneless chicken thighs, the cooking time will be shorter, about 1-1.5 hours.

If you’re smoking chicken thighs for the first time, we recommend starting with this cooking time and adjusting as needed. For example, if you find that your chicken thighs are cooked through but not as juicy as you’d like, you can smoke them for a shorter period of time next time. 

On the other hand, if you find that your chicken thighs are not cooked through after 2 hours of smoking, you can smoke them for a bit longer next time. Just be sure to check on them frequently so that they don’t dry out.

Best BBQ Rub for Chicken Thighs

Best BBQ Rub for Chicken Thighs

We recommend using a quality dry rub on your chicken thighs before smoking them. Here is a simple dry rub recipe that we like to use:

Simple Chicken BBQ Rub Recipe


  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup paprika
  • 1 tablespoon chili powder
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon onion powder
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and store in an airtight container. This rub will last for many months if stored correctly.

To use, simply coat your chicken thighs with the rub, making sure to cover them completely. Let the chicken sit for at least 30 minutes or up to 12 hours for the best flavor. 

How to get Crispy Skin on Smoked Chicken Thighs?

For extra crispy skin, we recommend using a chicken rack. A chicken rack is a small metal or plastic rack that goes inside your smoker and helps to keep the chicken elevated. This allows hot smoke to circulate around the chicken more evenly, resulting in crispier skin.

You can find chicken racks online or at most kitchen stores. They’re relatively inexpensive and definitely worth the investment if you’re looking for extra crispy skin!

Another way to crisp up the skin is to finish the chicken in the oven. Simply preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and place the chicken on a baking sheet. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until the skin is crisp and golden brown.

What Type of Wood to Use for Smoking Chicken Thighs?

We’ll give you a rundown of the best type of wood to use for smoking chicken thighs.

Hickory Wood

Hickory is a strong, bold-flavored wood that goes well with poultry. It’s also a popular choice for ribs and pork shoulder. If you’re looking for a robust flavor, hickory is a good option. However, it’s important to use it sparingly, as too much hickory can make your food taste bitter.

Mesquite Wood

Mesquite is another bold-flavored wood that’s often used for smoking beef. It imparts a slightly sweet flavor that goes well with chicken. If you’re looking for a sweeter option, mesquite is a good choice. However, if you use too much mesquite, it will make your food taste bitter – just like hickory.

Fruit Woods

Fruit woods, such as apple and cherry, are gentler-flavored woods that are good for smoking poultry. They impart a subtle sweetness to the meat that is tasty and not overpowering. If you’re looking for a milder flavor, fruit woods are a good option. However, they can burn quickly, so it’s important to keep an eye on your fire when using them. 

What Sides go with Smoked Chicken Thighs?

What Sides go with Smoked Chicken Thighs

Smoked chicken thighs pair well with a variety of different side dishes. Here are a few of our favorites:

Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are always a hit! They’re ideal for absorbing all of the delicious juices from the chicken. For an extra special touch, top your mashed potatoes with some shredded cheese and green onions. 

Macaroni and Cheese

This creamy classic is the perfect complement to smoked chicken thighs. The cheesy goodness pairs perfectly with the smoky flavor of the chicken. Plus, it is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters. 

Green Beans

Green beans are a great way to add some color and nutrition to your meal. They pair especially well with foods that have a smoky flavor. For a unique flavor, try sautéing your green beans in bacon grease. Your taste buds will thank you!

Corn on the Cob

There is nothing quite like fresh corn on the cob in the summertime. When paired with smoked chicken thighs, it makes for a meal that is both tasty and healthy. Just be sure to butter up those cobs before you start eating!


Coleslaw is another perfect side dish for smoked chicken thighs. The cool, creamy texture of the coleslaw contrasts nicely with the smoky, juicy chicken. Plus, it’s a great way to use up any leftover vegetables you have in the fridge.

What to do with leftovers?

If you have any chicken thighs leftover and you’re wondering what to do with them, then here are a few creative ideas to get you started!

Chicken Salad

This is a classic for a reason! Dice up your chicken and mix it with some chopped celery, grapes, and mayo. Add a little salt and pepper to taste, and voila – you’ve got yourself a delicious chicken salad that’s perfect for lunch or a light dinner.

Chicken Wrap

Another great way to use up your smoked chicken thighs is to make wraps with them. Simply shred the chicken and mix it with some chopped lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, and your favorite dressing or sauces. Then, just roll it all up in a tortilla or flatbread and enjoy!

Chicken Pasta

This one is perfect for those nights when you’re craving something hearty and comforting. Cook up some pasta and mix it with your shredded chicken, some tomato sauce, and Parmesan cheese. You can also add in other veggies like sauteed spinach or mushrooms if you’d like. Yum!

Chicken Soup or Stew

Smoked chicken thighs are also great in soups and stews. Just add them in at the beginning of cooking along with your other ingredients and let everything simmer together until it’s nice and hot. This is a great option for when you want something warm and comforting on a chilly day.

Storage and Rewarming Smoked Chicken Thighs

Storing Smoked Chicken Thighs

The key to storing smoked chicken thighs is all in the preparation. First, let your chicken thighs cool completely to room temperature. This will help prevent bacteria from growing. Then, wrap each thigh tightly in plastic wrap or foil. 

If you’re planning on eating the chicken within the next few days, store it in the fridge. Otherwise, freeze it for longer-term storage. To store in the freezer, place the chicken thighs in a freezer-safe container or zip-top bag. Label and date the container or bag, so you know when they were stored.

Smoked chicken thighs can be stored in the fridge for up to 4 days or in the freezer for up to 2 months.

Rewarming Smoked Chicken Thighs

When you’re ready to eat your smoked chicken thighs, simply remove them from the fridge or freezer and let them thaw (if frozen). Then, rewarm them in the oven, microwave, or on the stove.

If you’re reheating in the oven, preheat it to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, place the chicken thighs on a baking sheet and reheat for about 10 minutes, or until heated through.

If you are reheating in the microwave, place the chicken thighs on a plate and reheat for 1-2 minutes, or until heated through.

To reheat on the stove, simply place the chicken thighs in a skillet over medium heat and cook until heated through.

10 Tips for Smoked Chicken Thighs

10 Tips for Smoked Chicken Thighs

If you’re looking for ways to add even more flavor to your smoked chicken thighs, here are a few tips and tricks to try:

1. Start with high-quality chicken thighs. Look for thighs that are plump and evenly sized for even cooking. Avoid any that have cracks or bruises, as these can affect the flavor of the finished product. It’s better to go for a fresh chicken thigh rather than one that’s been previously frozen.

2. Trim any excess fat off of the chicken thighs. While a little bit of fat is necessary for flavor, too much can make the finished dish greasy.

3. Season the chicken thighs generously with your favorite spices. Be sure to coat them evenly for the best flavor.

4. Preheat your smoker before adding the chicken thighs. This will help to ensure that they cook evenly.

5. Place the chicken thighs in the smoker skin-side up. This will help to protect them from drying out as they cook. Also, ensure that there is plenty of space between each chicken thigh to allow the smoke to circulate properly.

6. Use a low temperature when smoking chicken thighs. This will help to prevent them from drying out. Aim for a temperature between 225 and 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

7. Baste the chicken periodically with your favorite barbecue sauce or mop sauce to keep it moist during cooking.

8. You can flip the chicken thighs over halfway through cooking if you prefer, but it’s not necessary.

9. Use a meat thermometer to check for doneness, and be sure to remove the chicken from the smoker when it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

10. Always allow the chicken to rest for a few minutes before cutting or serving. This will help to ensure that the juices stay locked in.

Electric Smoker Chicken Thighs FAQs

How many chicken thighs per person?

A single chicken thigh, without skin or bone, should satisfy most appetites at 3 ounces of meat per person. If you have light eaters or children, one chicken thigh per person should be sufficient.

How long does it take to smoke chicken thighs at 250 degrees?

It will take around 30 to 45 minutes/pound to smoke chicken thighs at 250 degrees. However, it’s always best to use a meat thermometer to check for doneness, as cooking times can vary depending on the size and type of chicken thigh being used.

How do you smoke chicken thighs in a Masterbuilt electric smoker?

Smoking chicken thighs in a Masterbuilt electric smoker is the same as in any other type of smoker. We have given the steps on how to do it above. So go through the steps, and you will be able to do it with ease in your Masterbuilt electric smoker.


Smoked chicken thighs are a delicious and easy way to add some extra flavor to your favorite recipes. 

With careful control over your smoker and attention to detail in your cooking process, you’ll be able to produce some mouth-watering smoked chicken thighs that will have your friends and family coming back for more.

We hope this guide on how to make electric smoker chicken thighs has been helpful and that you’ll be able to put it to good use the next time you’re firing up your smoker. Happy cooking!