How to Smoke a Turkey in an Electric Smoker?

Smoking a turkey is a great way to add flavor and tenderness to the meat. When done correctly, smoking a turkey can result in a juicy and delicious bird that is packed with flavor. However, smoking a turkey is also notoriously difficult, as the delicate nature of the meat can easily dry out or become overcooked.

This is where an electric smoker comes in handy, as the consistent and controlled heat of the smoker will help to ensure that your turkey turns out perfectly every time. In this guide, we will show you how to smoke a turkey in an electric smoker, step by step, and also share some tips and tricks along the way.

You can also check our articles on How to Smoke a Whole Chicken in an Electric Smoker, How to Smoke a Brisket in An Electric Smoke, How to Make Electric Smoker Ribs, How to Clean an Electric Smoker, How to Make Electric Smoker Chicken Breast, and How to Make Smoked Whole Chicken Masterbuilt Electric Smoker.

Smoking a 12 lb Turkey in an Electric Smoker

Smoking a 12 lb Turkey in an Electric Smoker

We give below detailed instructions on how to smoke a 12 lb turkey in an electric smoker. You can use this process for smoking turkeys of other sizes as well.

Preparing the Turkey before Smoking

The first step is to prepare the turkey for smoking. 

Choose your Turkey

The first thing you need to do is select a 12lb turkey. It is best to choose a fresh turkey for smoking, as frozen turkeys can often be difficult to smoke properly. 

Thaw it

Once you have chosen the turkey, you need to make sure that it is thawed completely. If the turkey is frozen, it will not cook evenly and will likely end up being overcooked on the outside and undercooked on the inside.

To thaw a turkey, simply place it in the refrigerator for 24 hours for every 5 pounds of turkey. So, for a 12-pound turkey, you will need to thaw it for at least 2 days.

Clean it

After the turkey has thawed, it is time to clean it. Start by removing the giblets and neck from the cavity of the turkey. These can be saved to make gravy or stuffing, or you can discard them.

Brine it

The next step is to brine the turkey. This is optional, but it is highly recommended, as it will help to keep the turkey moist and juicy during the smoking process.

To brine the turkey, simply mix together a cup of salt with a gallon of water. Submerge the turkey in the mixture and refrigerate it for at least 8 hours or overnight.

Rinse it

After brining, it is important to rinse the turkey off with cold water. This will remove any excess salt from the surface of the bird.

Dry it

The next step is to dry the turkey completely. This can be done with a paper towel or a clean dish towel.

Season it

Once the turkey is dry, it is time to season it. You can use any type of seasoning that you like, but we recommend a blend of salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

To season the turkey, simply rub the seasoning all over the surface of the bird. Be sure to get into all of the nooks and crannies, as this will ensure that the turkey is evenly seasoned.

Choose the Right Wood

The next step is to choose the right type of wood for smoking. This will impact the flavor of the turkey, so it is important to select a wood that you enjoy.

We recommend using hickory or pecan for this recipe, as they will add a nice flavor to the turkey without being too overwhelming.

Soak the Wood

Once you have selected the right type of wood, it is time to soak it in water. This will help to prevent the wood from burning too quickly and will also add more flavor to the turkey.

To soak the wood, simply place it in a bowl or pan of water and let it soak for at least 1 hour.

Prepare the Smoker

The next step is to prepare the smoker. Start by setting the temperature to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

If your smoker has a water pan, fill it with water. This will help to keep the turkey moist during the smoking process.

Next, add the wood to the smoker. We recommend using 2-3 pieces of wood for this recipe.

Once the smoker is prepared, it is time to cook the turkey.

Smoking the Turkey

Smoking turkey is a relatively simple process. 

Place the Turkey in the Smoker

The first step is to place the turkey in the smoker. Be sure to place it on the rack in the smoker, as this will ensure that it cooks evenly.

Close the lid of the smoker and let it cook for about 6-7 hours, or until the internal temperature of the turkey reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

Check the Turkey

After 6-7 hours, open the smoker and check on the turkey. If it is not yet cooked through, close the lid and let it continue cooking.

Once the turkey is cooked through, remove it from the smoker and let it rest for at least 20 minutes before carving.

Carving the Turkey

Once the turkey has rested, it is time to carve it. Start by removing the legs and thighs from the body of the turkey.

Next, remove the breasts from the turkey. If you want, you can slice the breasts into thin slices.

Finally, remove the wings from the turkey.

And that’s it! Your smoked turkey is now ready to be enjoyed.

How to Make Smoked Turkey Masterbuilt Electric Smoker?

How to Make Smoked Turkey Masterbuilt Electric Smoker

Smoking a turkey in a Masterbuilt electric smoker is a great way to cook a bird, and it’s actually quite simple.

Choosing Your Turkey for Smoking on Masterbuilt Electric Smoker

To choose a Turkey for your Masterbuilt electric smoker, you really just need to make sure it will fit. A good rule of thumb is that an electric smoker can accommodate a turkey that is about 14 pounds.

However, it’s always best to check the manufacturer’s guidelines for specifics on your model of smoker.

How to Prepare a Turkey for the Masterbuilt Electric Smoker?

Thaw the Turkey

The first step in preparing your turkey for the Masterbuilt electric smoker is to thaw it. This can be done in one of two ways:

The first is to allow the turkey to thaw in the refrigerator. This can take several days, so plan ahead.

The second way to thaw your turkey is to place it in a sink full of cold water. Change the water every 30 minutes, and cook the turkey immediately after it is thawed.

Clean and Trim the Turkey

Once your turkey is thawed, it’s time to prepare it for smoking. Start by removing the giblets from the turkey, as mentioned in the section above.

Dry Brine the Turkey Overnight

The next step is to dry brine the turkey overnight. This is optional but highly recommended. 

To dry brine a turkey, mix together the following:

  • 1 cup kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon dried thyme
  • 1 tablespoon smoked paprika
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper

Rub this all over the turkey, cover it tightly, and refrigerate overnight.

Rinse and Dry the Turkey

The next morning, rinse off the turkey and pat it dry.

Start the Masterbuilt Electric Smoker

Now it’s time to get started smoking the turkey. First, you’ll need to set up your smoker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 

Once it’s all set up, you’ll need to preheat the smoker to 250 degrees Fahrenheit.

While the smoker is preheating, it’s a good idea to prepare your turkey for smoking.

Prepare the Turkey for Smoking

To prepare the turkey for smoking, you’ll need to stuff it with aromatics. This is optional, but it will give the turkey a great flavor.

Some good options for aromatics include:

  • onions
  • garlic
  • lemon slices
  • herbs

Injecting your Smoked Turkey

Another great way to add flavor to your smoked turkey is to inject it. This is optional, but it’s definitely worth doing if you have the time.

There are a few different ways to inject a turkey, but the most common is to use a marinade. 

To do this, mix together your favorite marinade and inject it into the meat of the turkey. Be sure to inject in several different areas for the best results.

A good rule of thumb is to use about 1/2 cup of marinade per 5 pounds of turkey.

Smoke the Turkey

Once the turkey is prepared, it’s time to smoke it. Place the turkey in the smoker and cook until the internal temperature of the turkey reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

Remove the turkey from the smoker and let it rest for about 20 minutes before carving. And that’s it! 

What About Basting or Spray Butter?

One of the most common questions people have when smoking a turkey is whether or not they should baste it. The answer is that it’s really up to you. Basting will help keep the turkey moist, but it’s not necessary. 

If you do decide to baste the turkey, you can use any type of liquid you like. Some people prefer to use water, while others like to use chicken or turkey stock.

Another option is to use a spray butter like Pam. This can help keep the turkey moist and also add a little bit of flavor.

When to baste is also up to you, but a good rule of thumb is to baste every 30 minutes or so.

How to get Crispy Skin on your Masterbuilt Smoked Turkey?

One of the benefits of smoking a turkey is that it produces very crispy skin. If you want to crisp up the skin, even more, there are a few things you can do.

First, make sure the skin is dry before you put the turkey in the smoker. Second, cook the turkey at a higher temperature for the last hour or so of smoking. And finally, you can brush the skin with melted butter or oil before serving.

Carving and Serving a Masterbuilt Smoked Turkey

Now that your turkey is cooked, it’s time to carve and serve it. Before that, make sure the meat is rested for 20-30 minutes to allow the juices to redistribute evenly in the turkey.

The Best Rubs and Seasonings for a Masterbuilt Smoked Turkey

When it comes to rubs and seasonings, there are endless possibilities. But here are a few of our favorites:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: This is a great all-purpose seasoning that goes well with just about any type of meat.
  • Brown Sugar: Brown sugar is a great way to add sweetness and depth of flavor to your smoked turkey.
  • Cajun Seasoning: Cajun seasoning is perfect for smoked turkey. It adds a great deal of flavor without being too overwhelming.
  • Chipotle Powder: Chipotle powder adds a nice smoky flavor to your turkey. It’s also a great way to add a little bit of heat.
  • Smoked Paprika: Smoked paprika is perfect for adding a smoky flavor to your turkey.

The Best Wood Chips for Smoking a Turkey in a Masterbuilt Electric Smoker

There are a variety of wood chips that can be used for smoking a turkey. But some of the best options include:

  • Apple Wood Chips: These chips will give your turkey a subtle fruity flavor.
  • Cherry Wood Chips: Cherry wood chips will add a sweet and smoky flavor to your turkey.
  • Hickory Wood Chips: Hickory is the most popular type of wood for smoking. It adds a strong smoky flavor to your turkey.
  • Maple Wood Chips: Maple wood chips will give your turkey a sweet and smoky flavor.
  • Pecan Wood Chips: These chips will add a nutty flavor to your turkey.

Refilling the Wood Chips

You will need to refill the wood chips every 30-60 minutes, depending on how much smoke you want. To do this, simply remove the chip tray and add more chips. Then put the tray back in the smoker and close the lid.

How Long to Smoke a Turkey in a Masterbuilt Electric Smoker?

How Long to Smoke a Turkey in a Masterbuilt Electric Smoker

The length of time you need to smoke a turkey will depend on a few factors, including the size of the turkey and the temperature you are smoking at. But as a general rule, you will need to smoke the turkey for about 5-6 hours.

If you are smoking a large turkey, you may need to smoke it for a bit longer. And if you are smoking at a higher temperature, you may need to smoke the turkey for a shorter period of time.

How do you know when a Turkey is done Smoking in a Masterbuilt Electric Smoker?

The best way to know if your turkey is done smoking is to use a meat thermometer. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the turkey and check the temperature. The turkey is done smoking when it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

Another way to tell if your turkey is done smoking is to look at the skin. The skin should be golden brown and slightly charred in places.

If you are unsure if your turkey is done, it’s better to err on the side of caution and smoke it for a bit longer.

Dishes to Serve with a Smoked Turkey

There are a variety of dishes that go well with a smoked turkey. Some popular side dishes include:

  • Mashed potatoes – Mashed potatoes are a classic side dish that goes well with just about anything.
  • Roasted vegetables – Roasted vegetables are a healthy and flavorful option.
  • Green beans – Green beans are a classic side dish that pairs well with smoked turkey.
  • Corn on the cob – Corn on the cob is a summertime favorite that goes great with smoked turkey.
  • Baked beans – Baked beans are a hearty side dish that is perfect for a summer barbecue.
  • Potato salad – Potato salad is a refreshing and flavorful side dish.
  • Macaroni and cheese – Macaroni and cheese is a comfort food classic.

How Much Turkey Per Person?

A good rule of thumb is to allow for ½ pound of turkey per person. This will give you plenty of leftovers for sandwiches, soup, and other dishes. 

If you are feeding a large crowd, you may want to allow for 1 pound of turkey per person. This will ensure that everyone gets their fill and there are no leftovers.

What Do You Stuff A Turkey With?

There are a variety of things you can stuff a turkey with. Some popular options include:

-Herbs: Rosemary, thyme, and sage are all great choices.

-Fruit: Apples, pears, and oranges add a lovely sweetness to the turkey.

-Vegetables: Carrots, celery, and onions are all classic stuffing ingredients.

-Bread: You can use any type of bread, but sourdough or cornbread are particularly good choices.

-Nuts: Walnuts, pecans, and almonds add a nice crunch to the stuffing.

-Cheese: Grated Parmesan or sharp cheddar cheese are both excellent choices.

How to Make Stuffing for Turkey?

There are a variety of ways to make stuffing for the turkey. One option is to simply mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl. Another option is to cook the vegetables and fruit first, then add them to the bread and other ingredients.

If you are using dried herbs, you will need to rehydrate them first. To do this, simply soak the herbs in a cup of water for about 30 minutes. Then drain the water and add the herbs to the stuffing mixture.

Once you have mixed all of the ingredients together, stuff the turkey cavity with the stuffing. Be sure to pack it in firmly so that it doesn’t fall out during cooking.

Electric Smoker Turkey Cooking Time

The cooking time for an electric smoker turkey will vary depending on the size of the turkey.

A 12-pound turkey should take about 6 hours to cook. A 20-pound turkey will take about 10 hours to cook.

It is important to check the internal temperature of the turkey before removing it from the smoker. The internal temperature should be 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the turkey is not yet cooked through, close the lid of the smoker and let it continue cooking.

Tips for Smoking Turkey

Here are some tips to help you smoke the perfect turkey:

1. Choose the right turkey. Select a young, fresh turkey that is 10-12 pounds. Frozen turkeys will work, but thawing will take longer.

2. Brine the turkey. This is an important step in ensuring a moist, flavorful turkey. There are many brine recipes available, so find one you like and follow the directions.

3. Prepare the smoker. Make sure your smoker is clean, and the wood chips are soaked. Preheat, the smoker to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Smoke the turkey. Place the turkey on the racks in the smoker, breast side up. Add wood chips to the smoker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Smoke the turkey until the internal temperature of the turkey reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Let the turkey rest. Once the turkey is done smoking, remove it from the smoker and let it rest for 30 minutes before carving. This allows the juices to redistribute, making for a moister, more flavorful turkey.

How to Use the Turkey Drippings?

How to Use the Turkey Drippings

As the turkey cooks, it releases juices and fats. These drippings can be used to make a delicious gravy. To do this, simply remove the drip pan from the smoker and pour the drippings into a saucepan. Then add some flour or cornstarch to thicken the gravy and season it to taste.

You can also use the turkey drippings to baste the turkey. Simply brush the drippings onto the turkey every 30 minutes or so.

What to do with Leftover Turkey?

There are a variety of ways to use leftover turkey. One option is to make a simple soup. Just add some chunks of smoked turkey to your favorite vegetable soup recipe. 

Another option is to shred the smoked turkey and use it as a topping for nachos or tacos. You can also add it to a quesadilla or grilled cheese sandwich for a tasty twist on classic comfort food. 

Electric Smoker Turkey Recipe

Whole Smoked Turkey with Herbs Recipe


  • 1 (10-12 pound) turkey, thawed
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon dried thyme
  • 1 tablespoon dried rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon dried sage
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • For the Herb Butter:
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh sage
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper


1. Combine the water, apple cider vinegar, salt, sugar, thyme, rosemary, sage, and pepper in a large bowl.

2. Place the thawed turkey in a large brining bag or container. Pour the brine over the turkey, making sure to cover it completely. Seal the bag or container and refrigerate for 12-24 hours. Remove the turkey from the brine, rinse it, and pat it dry.

3. To make the herb butter, combine the butter, parsley, thyme, rosemary, sage, salt, and pepper in a medium bowl. Mix well and rub the herb butter all over the turkey, being sure to get it under the skin.

4. Preheat your smoker to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Place the turkey in the smoker and smoke for 5-6 hours, or until the internal temperature of the turkey reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

6. Remove the turkey from the smoker and let rest for 30 minutes before carving. Enjoy!

How to Smoke a Turkey in an Electric Smoker FAQs

How big of a turkey can I fit in my smoker?

Most electric smokers can accommodate a turkey up to 20 pounds. However, it’s always best to check the manufacturer’s recommendations for your specific smoker.

How long does it take to smoke a turkey at 225?

In general, it takes about 30 minutes per pound to smoke a turkey at 225 degrees Fahrenheit. However, the cooking time for your turkey will differ based on the size of the bird and what type of smoker you choose to use.

Is it better to smoke a turkey at 225 or 250?

It’s best to smoke a turkey at 225 degrees Fahrenheit. This low and slow cooking method allows the flavors of the brine and herbs to really infuse into the meat, resulting in a juicy and flavorful turkey.

How long does it take to smoke a 20lb turkey in an electric smoker?

It will take about 10-12 hours to smoke a 20lb turkey in an electric smoker. However, the exact time will vary depending on the smoker and the turkey itself. Make sure to use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the turkey before removing it from the smoker.

What Is the Best Smoker For Smoking Turkey?

There are a variety of smokers on the market, but we recommend the Masterbuilt electric smoker. It’s easy to use and produces consistent results, making it the perfect choice for smoking turkey.

Do you put water in pan when smoking a turkey that has been brined?

It’s not necessary to add water to the pan when smoking a turkey that has been brined. The brine will help keep the turkey moist during the smoking process.

Can you put turkey on a grate and then put in a pan?

Yes, you can put the turkey on a grate and then put it in a pan. This will help to catch any drippings and prevent them from burning on the bottom of the smoker.

Do you have to spatchcock a turkey to smoke it?

No, you don’t have to spatchcock a turkey to smoke it. However, it’s a great way to ensure even cooking and maximize the flavor. If you choose to spatchcock your turkey, make sure to remove the backbone before smoking.

If smoking 2 turkeys at once, both around 14 pounds, how long would you smoke them?

If smoking two turkeys at once, you would smoke them for 7-8 hours at 225 deg F. 

How to freeze smoked turkey so you can enjoy it again when the urge strikes?

Once your smoked turkey is cooked and cooled, you can slice it and freeze it in individual portions. This way, you can thaw and reheat only as much as you need, making it a great option for busy weeknights or impromptu gatherings.

To freeze, simply wrap the sliced turkey in plastic wrap or foil and place it in a freezer-safe bag. Label the bag with the date and contents, then pop it in the freezer. When you’re ready to enjoy, thaw the turkey in the refrigerator overnight and reheat in a 350 degree Fahrenheit oven until warmed through.


Smoking a turkey is a great way to impress your guests and give the bird a delicious flavor. But it’s important to remember that smoking a turkey is a slow process, so be sure to plan ahead. 

With our step-by-step guide on how to smoke a turkey in an electric smoker, you’ll be able to smoke a turkey like a pro in no time. So gather your ingredients, fire up the smoker, and get ready for some deliciousness!