How to Smoke Baby Back Ribs in Electric Smoker?

Smoking ribs is a process of cooking meat over low heat for an extended period of time. This slow cooking method allows the flavors of the smoke and the spices to infuse into the meat, resulting in tender and juicy ribs that are packed with flavor. 

While there are many different ways to smoke ribs, using an electric smoker is one of the simplest and most effective methods. Electric smokers are easy to use and provide a consistent cooking temperature, which is essential for smoking ribs. 

In this guide, we will show you how to smoke baby back ribs in an electric smoker. So let’s get started!

You can also check our articles on How to Smoke Salmon in an Electric Smoker, How to Make Smoked Chicken Wings Electric Smoker, How to Make Electric Smoker Pulled Pork, How to Smoke a Turkey Breast in Electric Smoker, How to Use an Electric Smoker, and Best Electric Smoker Recipes.

Choosing the Baby Back Ribs

Choosing the Baby Back Ribs

When it comes to smoking ribs, baby back ribs are one of the best choices. Baby back ribs are smaller and more tender than other types of ribs, making them easy to cook and packed with flavor. 

When shopping for baby back ribs, look for ones that are well-marbled with fat. The fat will help to keep the ribs moist and juicy as they cook. You should also look for ribs that have a nice, even shape. This will help to ensure that the ribs cook evenly.

Preparing the Ribs

Once you have chosen your ribs, it is time to prepare them for smoking. 

How to Remove the Membrane?

The first step is to remove the membrane from the back of the ribs. The membrane is a thin, white layer of tissue that covers the ribs. It is tough and chewy, and it will prevent the flavors of the smoke and spices from infusing into the meat. 

To remove the membrane, insert a sharp knife under the membrane and loosen it from the ribs. Once you have a small section loosened, you can grab it with your fingers and peel it off. 

If you are having trouble removing the membrane, you can use a paper towel to help grip it. Once the membrane is removed, your ribs will be ready for smoking.

Apply the Dry Rub

Once the ribs are prepared, it is time to apply the dry rub. The dry rub is a mixture of spices that will infuse flavor into the meat as it cooks. 

There are many different recipes for dry rubs, but we recommend using a simple blend of salt, pepper, and paprika. You can also add other spices to taste, such as garlic powder, onion powder, or cumin. 

Once you have mixed the dry rub, apply it generously to the ribs. Be sure to coat both sides of the ribs and rub it into the meat. 

Add Mustard or Oil to Bind

After the dry rub is applied, you can add a thin layer of mustard or oil to help it stick to the ribs. This step is optional, but it will help to ensure that the spices stay on the ribs during cooking. 

If you are using mustard, apply it thinly and evenly to both sides of the ribs. You can also use a brush to help spread it out. 

If you are using oil, simply drizzle it over the ribs and rub it in with your hands. A small amount of oil will go a long way, so be sure not to use too much. 

Let the Rub Rest

Once the ribs are coated with the dry rub, let them sit for at least 30 minutes. This will give the spices time to infuse into the meat. 

If you have time, you can also let the ribs sit overnight in the fridge. This will give the flavors even more time to develop. 

The Cooking Process for Electric Smoker Ribs

The Cooking Process for Electric Smoker Ribs

Now that the ribs are prepared, it is time to start smoking them. 

Fill the Water Pan

Start by filling the water pan of your electric smoker. This will help to create a moist cooking environment and prevent the ribs from drying out. 

We recommend using Apple cider vinegar in the water pan. Vinegar will help to infuse flavor into the meat and tenderize the ribs. 

Fill the water pan halfway with Apple cider vinegar, and then add water to fill it to the top. You can also add other liquids to the water pan, such as beer, wine, or chicken broth. 

Pre-heat the Smoker

Pre-heat your electric smoker to 225 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to pre-heat the smoker so that it is at the correct temperature when you add the ribs. 

If the smoker is too hot, the ribs will cook too quickly and become dry and tough. If the smoker is not hot enough, the ribs will take too long to cook and will not be as tender.

Add the Ribs to the Smoker

Once the smoker is pre-heated, it is time to add the ribs. Place the ribs in the smoker on the racks, making sure not to overcrowd them. 

If you are using a water pan, place it underneath the racks in the smoker. Close the lid of the smoker and let the ribs cook.

Add Wood Chips to the Chamber

After the ribs have been cooking for 30 minutes, it is time to add wood chips to the smoker chamber. This will help to create smoke and infuse flavor into the meat. 

We recommend using hickory, apple, or cherry wood chips for smoking ribs. You can also use a blend of wood chips to create different flavors. 

To add the wood chips, simply place them in the smoker chamber and close the lid. The wood chips will begin to smoke and flavor the ribs. 

To Soak or Not to Soak?

It is not necessary to soak wood chips before smoking, but some people prefer to do it. Soaking the wood chips will help to create more smoke and infuse more flavor into the meat. 

To soak the wood chips, simply place them in a bowl of water and let them sit for 30 minutes. Once they are done soaking, drain the water and add the wood chips to the smoker chamber. 

Refill the Wood Chips

After 1 hour of smoking, the wood chips will need to be replenished. Simply remove the lid of the smoker and add more wood chips to the chamber. Close the lid and let the ribs continue cooking. 

Check the Smoke

It is important to check the smoke coming from the smoker throughout the cooking process. If you see little to no smoke, it means that the wood chips are not burning properly. 

To fix this, simply open the lid of the smoker and add more wood chips to the chamber. Close the lid and let the smoker continue running. 

Monitor the Temperature

It is also important to monitor the temperature of the smoker throughout the cooking process. The ideal temperature for smoking ribs is 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the temperature rises above 225 degrees Fahrenheit, it is important to open the smoker so that some of the heat can escape. This will prevent the ribs from cooking too quickly on the outside while the inside remains raw. 

So make sure to check the temperature of the smoker every hour and adjust it accordingly. 

Smoke the Ribs

The ribs will need to smoke for 5-6 hours in order to be fully cooked. After the ribs have smoked for 5-6 hours, they should be wrapped in foil and placed back in the smoker for another hour or so. This will help them to retain moisture and become even more tender. 

After the ribs have been wrapped in foil, you can add a little bit of liquid to the foil. This will help to create steam and infuse even more flavor into the meat. We recommend using apple cider vinegar, beer, or chicken broth. 

Do you Flip Ribs over when you are Smoking?

It is not necessary to flip the ribs during the smoking process. Simply place them in the smoker and let them cook until they are done. 

Flipping them will not make them cook any faster or make them more tender. It will only cause them to dry out more quickly.

How do you know when the Ribs are Done?

The ribs are done when they reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit. To check the temperature, insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the rib. 

When the ribs have reached the correct temperature, remove them from the smoker and let them rest for 10-15 minutes before cutting into them. 

Carving and Serving

The ribs can be carved using a knife, or they can be pulled apart with your hands. If you are using a knife, simply cut between the bones to separate them. 

If you are pulling the ribs apart, simply grab hold of one end of the rack and pull. The meat should easily separate from the bone. 

What to Serve with Smoked Ribs?

There are many different sides that go well with smoked ribs. We recommend serving them with baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad, or macaroni and cheese. 

You can also serve the ribs with a simple green salad or some fresh fruit. 

How to Cook Baby Back Ribs on Masterbuilt Electric Smoker?

If you want to cook baby back ribs on a Masterbuilt electric smoker, here are the instructions that you need to follow: 

1. The first thing that you need to do is to prepare the smoker. You need to set it up according to the manufacturer’s instructions and then pre-heat it to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. While the smoker is pre-heating, you need to prepare the ribs. Start by removing the membrane from the back of the ribs. You can do this by inserting a sharp knife under the membrane and then gently peeling it off.

3. Next, you need to apply a rub to the ribs. There are many different recipes for rib rubs, so feel free to use your favorite.

4. Once the smoker is pre-heated, you can place the ribs in the smoker. Make sure to put them on the racks in a single layer so that they cook evenly.

5. Smoke the ribs for 5 to 6 hours or until they are cooked through.

6. Remove the ribs from the smoker and enjoy!

How Long to Cook Baby Back Ribs in Masterbuilt Electric Smoker?

The cooking time for baby back ribs will vary depending on the size of the ribs and the temperature of the smoker. In general, you should plan on smoking the ribs for five to six hours at 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the 3-2-1 Rule for Smoking Ribs?

The 3-2-1 rule is a guideline that you can use to ensure that your ribs are cooked perfectly. 

This rule is a great way to ensure that the ribs are tender and juicy, and it is also a good way to prevent them from drying out. 

How to Smoke Baby Back Ribs in Electric Smoker Step by Step (3-2-1 method)

If you want to smoke baby back ribs in an electric smoker, we recommend using the 3-2-1 method. 

Prep the Ribs First!

Before you even plug in your smoker, you need to prep the ribs.

Remove the membrane: This can be done by running a knife under the membrane to loosen it and then using your fingers to peel it off. Some people believe that removing the membrane makes for fall-off-the-bone ribs, but we think that it’s important for flavor.

Dry rub: Once the membrane has been removed, it’s time to apply a dry rub. This can be done with your favorite store-bought BBQ rub, or you can make your own.

Let the ribs sit for at least 30 minutes so that the dry rub has time to sink in.

Step 1: The 3 in the 3-2-1 – Smoke the Ribs

Now it’s time to start smoking the ribs. We recommend using hickory wood chips for this, but you can use any type of wood that you like. 

Place the ribs in the smoker: Put the ribs in the smoker on the racks, making sure that they are in a single layer. 

Smoke the ribs for 3 hours: Smoke the ribs at 225 degrees Fahrenheit for three hours.

Step 2: The 2 in the 3-2-1 – Wrap the Ribs

After the ribs have been smoking for three hours, it’s time to wrap them. This is important because it will help to lock in the moisture and prevent the ribs from drying out. 

We recommend using butcher paper or foil for this, but you can also use a cotton towel if you prefer. 

Wrap the ribs: Place the ribs in the butcher paper or foil and then wrap them tightly. 

Place the wrapped ribs back in the smoker: Put the wrapped ribs back in the smoker and smoke for two more hours.

Step 3: The 1 in the 3-2-1 – Firm and Sauce the Ribs

After the ribs have been smoking for five hours, it’s time to firm them up and add some sauce. 

This step is important because it will help to caramelize the sugars in the sauce and give the ribs a nice flavor. 

We recommend using your favorite BBQ sauce for this, but you can also use a store-bought sauce if you prefer. 

Firm the ribs: Remove the wrapped ribs from the smoker and then place them on a baking sheet. Brush the ribs with your favorite BBQ sauce, and then put them back in the smoker for one more hour.

Sauce the ribs: After the ribs have been smoked for six hours, remove them from the smoker and brush them with more sauce. Serve immediately.

How to Store Leftover Ribs?

How to Store Leftover Ribs

If you have any leftover ribs, we recommend storing them in an airtight container in the fridge. They will last for 3-4 days. 

You can also freeze the ribs for up to 3 months. Simply place them in a freezer safe bag or container and thaw them in the fridge when you are ready to eat them. 

How to Reheat Smoked Ribs?

To reheat the ribs, simply place them in a baking dish and cover them with foil. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20-30 minutes, or until heated through. 

You can also reheat the ribs in the microwave. Simply place them on a plate and heat for 1-2 minutes, or until heated through. 

Baby Back Ribs vs. Pork Spare Ribs

Baby back ribs come from the loin area of the pig, and they are shorter and thinner than pork spare ribs. 

Pork spare ribs come from the belly area of the pig, and they are longer and wider than baby back ribs. 

Both types of ribs can be cooked in an electric smoker, but we recommend using the 3-2-1 method for baby back ribs and the 2-2-1 method for pork spare ribs. 

Pork spare ribs will take longer to cook than baby back ribs, so keep this in mind when you are planning your meal. 

Masterbuilt Electric Smoker Recipe Ribs

Redneck Ribs


-1 rack of baby back ribs

-1 bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce

-1 can of Dr. Pepper

-1 onion

-1 tablespoon of paprika

-2 tablespoons of garlic powder

-1 tablespoon of onion powder

-1 teaspoon of black pepper

-1 teaspoon of cumin


1. Pre-heat the smoker to 225 degrees Fahrenheit. 

2. Cut the rack of ribs in half and place them in a large baking dish.

3. Pour the BBQ sauce, Dr. Pepper, and onion over the ribs, making sure they are well coated.

4. In a small bowl, mix together the paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, and cumin.

5. Sprinkle the spice mixture over the ribs and then place them in the smoker. 

6. Smoke the ribs for 5-6 hours or until they are tender and cooked through. 

7. Let the ribs rest for a few minutes before cutting into them and serving. Enjoy!

Homemade Rubs for Baby Back Ribs

Homemade Rubs for Baby Back Ribs

Dry rubs are a great way to add flavor to ribs without having to use a lot of sauce. They are also very easy to make, so we recommend making your own dry rub for your ribs. 

Here are a few homemade dry rubs that you can try: 

Basic BBQ Rub 


– 1/2 cup paprika 

– 1/4 cup brown sugar 

– 1/4 cup salt 

– 1/4 cup chili powder 

– 1 tablespoon black pepper 

– 1 tablespoon cumin 

– 1 tablespoon garlic powder 

– 1 tablespoon onion powder 

– 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 


1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. 

2. Rub the mixture onto your ribs and let them sit for at least 30 minutes before cooking. 

Sweet and Spicy Rub 


-1 tablespoon paprika

-1 teaspoon garlic powder

-1 teaspoon onion powder

-1 teaspoon cumin

-1/2 teaspoon chili powder

-1/2 teaspoon salt

-1/4 teaspoon black pepper

-1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

-1 tablespoon brown sugar

-1 tablespoon molasses


1. Combine all of the ingredients in a small bowl and mix until evenly combined.

2. Rub the mixture all over the ribs, using as much or as little as you like. 

Herb and Spice Rub 


– 1 tablespoon dried oregano 

– 1 tablespoon dried thyme 

– 1 tablespoon dried basil 

– 1 tablespoon garlic powder 

– 1 tablespoon onion powder 

– 1 tablespoon salt 

– 1 teaspoon black pepper 

– 1 teaspoon cumin 


1. In a small bowl, mix together all of the ingredients until they are fully combined.

2. Store in an airtight container until ready to use. 

Baby Back Ribs in Electric Smoker FAQs

What does bark mean when you are smoking ribs?

The bark is the crust that forms on the outside of the ribs when they are smoked. It is a combination of the spices, rubs, and sauces that you use, and it helps to create a delicious and flavorful crust on the ribs. 

What makes smoked ribs tender?

Smoked ribs are tender because of the low and slow cooking method that is used. This method of cooking breaks down the connective tissue in the ribs, making them tender and easy to eat. 

How to Smoke Ribs at 275 Degrees?

If you want to smoke ribs at 275 degrees, we recommend using the 2-2-1 method. This means that you will smoke the ribs for 2 hours, wrap them in foil for 2 hours, and then smoke them for 1 hour. This method will result in tender and juicy ribs. 

How long do you smoke ribs at 250 in an electric smoker?

If you are smoking ribs at 250 degrees in an electric smoker, we recommend using the 3-2-1 method. 

Should ribs be smoked at 225 or 250?

It depends on your preference. Smoking ribs at 225 degrees will result in tender and juicy ribs, while smoking ribs at 250 degrees will result in slightly crispier ribs. 

How Many Racks of Baby Back Ribs Should I Buy to Cook in my Electric Smoker?

One rack of ribs typically serves four to six people, so if you’re cooking for a group of eight, you should buy two racks. If you’re feeding a larger crowd, you may want to consider buying three or even four racks of ribs. 

Should I oil my racks prior to placing the ribs on them to prevent sticking?

You can oil the racks if you want, but it’s not necessary. The fat from the ribs will usually prevent them from sticking to the racks. 


Smoking baby back ribs in an electric smoker is a great way to get tender and juicy ribs without having to use a lot of sauce. They are also very easy to make, and you can customize them with your favorite dry rub or spice blend. If you follow the tips and instructions in this article, you’ll be able to smoke perfect ribs every time.

We hope our article on how to smoke baby back ribs in electric smoker was helpful. If you have any tips or tricks that you’d like to share, please leave them in the comments below!