Masterbuilt Smoker Instructions: A Detailed Guide

Are you the proud owner of a new Masterbuilt electric smoker? If so, congratulations! Smoking food is a great way to infuse it with flavor and make it more tender. Plus, it’s a fun hobby to get into.

In this blog post, we’ll give you a detailed guide on how to use your Masterbuilt smoker so that you can start smoking like a pro in no time.

You can also check our articles on How to Make Electric Smoker Chicken Thighs, Smoked Drumsticks: How to Make Chicken Drumsticks, How to Make Masterbuilt Smoked Ribs, How to Clean Masterbuilt Smoker, How to Get Bark on Brisket in Electric Smoker, and How Long to Smoke a 6 Pound Brisket.

How to Assemble your Masterbuilt Electric Smoker?

1. Put the smoking chamber together by attaching the side panels to the base using the screws that come in the hardware kit. Make sure the door is in the closed position.

2. Place the water pan in the smoking chamber.

3. Put the wood chip tray in its position on the left side of the smoking chamber. 

4. Put the heating element in place on the right side of the smoking chamber. The heating element should be inserted through the hole in the side panel and screwed into place on the opposite side panel. Be careful not to overtighten the screws, as this could damage the heating element.

5. Now, you can place your racks in the smoking chamber. There are four rack supports inside the smoking chamber – 2 near the top and two near the bottom. Place two racks on each set of supports so that they are level with one another.

Racks can be spaced closer together or further apart depending on how much food you will be smoking at one time. Just make sure that racks are not touching each other or either of the side panels, as this could interfere with even cooking.

6. Screw in the eight legs to secure the smoker to the ground – 4 short legs for the back of the smoker and four long legs for the front of the smoker

7. That’s it! Your Masterbuilt electric smoker is now assembled and ready to use. 

How to Operate a Masterbuilt Electric Smoker?

How to Operate a Masterbuilt Electric Smoker

Step 1: Season the Smoker

The first step in operating your Masterbuilt electric smoker is to season the smoker. Seasoning the smoker helps to prevent the formation of rust and also helps to create a non-stick surface on the inside of the smoker. 

First, make sure that the smoker equipment, such as the water pan, wood chip box, and racks, have been kept in the proper place. Keep the water pan and wood chip box empty. Then, rub a light coat of cooking oil (such as vegetable oil) on the inside of the smoker.

Next, plug the smoker into a power outlet and turn it on by pressing the power button. Then, set the temperature to 275 degrees Fahrenheit and the timer for 3 hours. 

Add about a half cup of wood chips to the wood chip box in the last 45 minutes of the seasoning process. You can choose your own wood chips, but we recommend using hickory chips for a classic flavor.

Once the seasoning process is complete, allow the smoker to cool down before using it for cooking food.

Step 2: Get the Meat Ready

Once you have seasoned your Masterbuilt electric smoker, it is time to get the meat ready. The type of meat that you use is completely up to you, but we recommend using pork shoulder or beef brisket as they are both great for smoking. 

Trim any excess fat off of the meat and cut it into large pieces so that it will fit easily into the smoker. Then, generously apply your favorite rub all over the surface of the meat. Allow the rub to penetrate into the meat for at least 30 minutes before smoking.

You can also marinate the meat overnight in the refrigerator for even more flavor. Just be sure to pat the meat dry before applying the rub.

Step 3: Preheat the Smoker

Before you add any meat to the smoker, you need to preheat it. Preheating the smoker helps to ensure that the meat will cook evenly throughout. 

To preheat your Masterbuilt electric smoker, add some wood chips to the wood chip box and plug the smoker into a power outlet. Then, press the power button to turn it on. 

It is also a good idea to preheat the smoker for at least 30-45 minutes before adding any meat. This will give the smoker time to reach the desired cooking temperature.

Step 4: Set the Cooking Temperature

Once your Masterbuilt electric smoker is preheated, it is time to set the cooking temperature. The cooking temperature will determine how long it takes for your meat to smoke and also how much smoke flavor it will have. 

For example, smoking at a higher temperature will result in less smoke flavor and less smoky aroma, but it will also cook faster than smoking at a lower temperature. For most meats, we recommend smoking at 225 degrees Fahrenheit. However, feel free to experiment with different temperatures to find what works best for you and your preferences. 

Step 5: Add More Wood Chips and Refill the Water Pan of the Smoker

As your smoker continues to run, you will need to add more wood chips and refill the water pan as needed. The water pan helps to create humidity inside the smoker and also prevents the meat from drying out. 

We recommend adding more wood chips every hour or so, depending on how much smoke flavor you want. You should also check the water pan every few hours to make sure that it has enough water. 

Step 6: Add the Meat to the Masterbuilt Smoker

Once the smoker is preheated, and the desired cooking temperature has been set, it is time to add the meat. Place the racks inside the smoker and then add the meat to the racks, making sure that there is space between each piece. 

Close the door of the smoker and allow the meat to smoke until it is cooked through. The cooking time will vary depending on the type and size of the meat, but it is usually between 4-8 hours. 

Step 7: Keep the Meat Moist

As the meat smokes, it will start to dry out. To prevent this from happening, we recommend basting the meat every few hours. 

To do this, simply remove the racks from the smoker and brush the meat with your favorite barbecue sauce or apple juice. Then, put the racks back in the smoker and close the door. 

Step 8: Add Some More Wood Chips During the Smoking Process

If you want your meat to have a stronger smoke flavor, then we recommend adding some more wood chips during the smoking process. You can do this by opening up the smoker door and adding more chips to the wood chip tray. 

Make sure to put only half a cup of wood chips at a time, as adding too many will cause the smoker to become too smoky. 

If the temperature of your smoker rises after adding more wood chips, don’t worry–this is normal. Wait for 5-10 minutes for the smoker to return to the set temperature.

Step 9: Add Sauce for Final Touches (Optional)

Once the meat is cooked, you can add your favorite barbecue sauce for some final touches. If you are smoking chicken or ribs, we recommend brushing the sauce on the meat and then putting it back in the smoker for 10-15 minutes. 

This will allow the sauce to caramelize and give the meat a delicious flavor. 

Step 10: Take the Meat Out of the Smoker and Indulge

After the meat is cooked, take it out of the smoker and let it rest for 10-15 minutes. This will allow the juices to redistribute, making the meat juicier and more flavorful. 

Then, it is time to indulge in your perfectly smoked meat! Enjoy!

Step 11: Switch off the Smoker and Allow it to Cool Down

Once you are done smoking, switch off the smoker and unplug it from the power outlet. Allow the smoker to cool down completely before cleaning it. 

Cleaning the smoker while it is still hot can damage the smoker and cause injuries. So, it is important to wait until the smoker has cooled down completely before starting the cleaning process. 

Step 12: It’s Time to Clean up

Now that the smoker has cooled down, it is time to clean it. The first step in cleaning the smoker is to remove the ashes from the wood chip tray. You can do this by dumping the ashes into a trash can or compost bin. Then, use a brush to remove any remaining ashes. 

The next step is to clean the racks. You can do this by removing the racks from the smoker and washing them with warm soapy water. 

Clean the inside of the smoker by wiping it down with a damp cloth. If there is any stubborn dirt or grime, you can use a mild cleaning solution to remove it. 

Make sure to clean all the nooks and crannies, as dirt and grime can build up over time and cause the smoker to malfunction. 

Once you have finished cleaning the inside of the smoker, wipe down the outside with a damp cloth. Let it air dry completely before putting the racks and other accessories back in. 

Now, your smoker is clean and ready for your next smoking adventure! 

Masterbuilt Electric Smoker Tips and Tricks

Masterbuilt Electric Smoker Tips and Tricks

Here are some helpful tips and tricks to get the most out of your Masterbuilt electric smoker: 

1. Be sure to season your meat before smoking it. This will help it to retain flavors and moisture while cooking.

2. Soak your wood chips in water for at least 30 minutes before adding them to the smoker. This will prevent them from burning up too quickly.  

3. Keep an eye on the temperature gauge and adjust it as necessary. You want the temperature inside the smoker to stay consistent throughout the cooking process. 

4. Try different types of wood chips to experiment with different flavors. Hickory and mesquite are two classics, but there are many other options out there for you to explore. 

5. Don’t open the door too often—every time you do, heat escapes and lengthens the cooking time. Only open it when absolutely necessary.  

Masterbuilt Smoker Safety Tips

1. Read the instruction manual carefully before using your smoker for the first time. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the smoker and how it works before you start cooking. Pay close attention to the warnings and safety procedures outlined in the manual.

2. Inspect your smoker regularly for signs of wear and tear. Make sure that there are no cracks or holes in the body of the smoker. If you notice any damage, do not use the smoker until it has been repaired by a qualified technician.

3. Always use your smoker in a well-ventilated area. Smoke from the smoker can be harmful if inhaled, so it’s important to make sure that there is plenty of ventilation when using your smoker. If possible, set up your smoker outdoors in an open area.

4. Use extreme caution when opening the door of the smoker while it is in use. The inside of the smoker can reach temperatures of over 400 degrees Fahrenheit, so be careful not to come into contact with any hot surfaces. Use oven mitts or gloves when handling anything inside the smoker.

Important Facts About Using Smoker

• The maximum temperature setting is 275°F (135°C).

• In order to minimize the chance of wood flare-ups, ALWAYS have your wood chip loader and wood chip holder in place when using the smoker. 

• Remember to frequently check the grease tray while cooking. If it becomes full, it can cause a fire.

• Never leave your smoker unattended while in use. 

• Be sure to unplug the smoker when not in use and before cleaning. 

• Do not use water to put out a grease fire. Use baking soda instead. 

• Be sure not to leave the wood ashes in the smoker. The ashtray should be emptied after each use. 

• If you plan on storing your smoker, be sure to clean it thoroughly and dry it completely before doing so. Store in a cool, dry place. 

Best Wood Chips to Use in Electric Smokers for Different Foods

Best Wood Chips to Use in Electric Smokers for Different Foods

Wood chips are one of the most important aspects of smoking with an electric smoker. They provide flavor, aroma, and color to the food being smoked. Here’s a quick guide to some of the most popular types of wood chips and what they’re best used for:

Hickory Wood Chips 

Hickory is the most popular type of wood chip for smoking. It provides a strong, distinct flavor that pairs well with Pork and Beef. If you’re looking for a classic smoky taste, hickory is the way to go. So if you’re smoking a brisket or pulled pork, hickory is always a solid choice. 

Mesquite Wood Chips

Mesquite has a very strong flavor that some find too overwhelming for certain foods. It’s often used for grilling rather than smoking because of this. However, if used sparingly, mesquite can add a nice depth of flavor to chicken or fish. If you’re looking to experiment with mesquite, start by using less than you think you need. You can always add more later if needed. 

Oak Wood Chips 

Oak is another classic smoking wood chip. It provides a milder flavor than hickory but is still quite distinct. Oak pairs well with just about any type of meat, making it a versatile option for electric smokers. Whether you’re smoking chicken or beef, oak is always worth trying. 

Cherry Wood Chips 

Cherry has a fruity sweetness that pairs well with poultry and pork. It’s also good for adding color to light-colored meat like chicken breast. If you’re looking to experiment with fruitwood smoker chips, cherry is always a good choice. 

Apple Wood Chips 

Like cherry, apple has a fruity sweetness that pairs well with poultry and pork dishes. Apple also adds a nice bright color to light-colored meat like chicken breast. If you have apple trees in your backyard, try smoking with them! Chances are you already have everything you need to get started. 


In addition to wood chips, there are a few other smoker accessories that can come in handy. Here are a few things to consider picking up:


A cover is a must-have if you want your smoker to last for years and years. It’ll protect your smoker from the elements when it’s not in use, and that means it’ll be ready to go whenever you are. Invest in a good-quality cover, and you won’t regret it.


If you’re going to be smoking at tailgates or picnics, then a portable stand is a necessity. A stand will make it easy to set up your smoker wherever you are, and it’ll give you a level surface to cook on so that your food turns out perfect every time. 

Masterbuilt Smoker Instructions FAQs

How do I add water to the Masterbuilt electric smoker water pan?

Adding water to the Masterbuilt electric smoker water pan is easy. Simply remove the pan from the smoker, fill it with water, and then return it to the smoker.

How do I make a disposable drip tray?

If you don’t have a drip tray, don’t worry! You can easily make one using aluminum foil. Simply crumple up a sheet of foil and place it in the bottom of the smoking chamber.

The foil will catch any drips or juices that fall from the food as it smokes. When you’re finished smoking, simply remove the foil and dispose of it. 

Do I Leave the Masterbuilt Smoker Vent Open or Closed?

You’ll want to leave the vent open when you’re first heating up the smoker. This will help ensure that it reaches its optimal smoking temperature quickly. Once the smoker is up to temperature, you can close the vent partially or all the way, depending on how much smoke you want in your food.

Why is My Masterbuilt Smoker Not Heating?

There are a few reasons why your smoker might not be reaching its optimal smoking temperature. First, check to make sure that it’s plugged in and that there’s power running on it.

Next, check that the vent is open so that air can circulate properly. Finally, check the heating element to see if it’s burned out or damaged. If all of these things check out, then you may need to call customer service for further assistance. 

Why is there no smoke coming out of my electric smoker?

If there’s no smoke coming out of your smoker, then there may not be enough wood chips in the chip tray. Check to see if they need to be replenished and add more if necessary. 

Can you use aluminum foil in an electric smoker?

Yes! You can use aluminum foil in an electric smoker as a disposable drip tray (as we mentioned earlier). You can also use foil to wrap foods before placing them in the smoker—this will help them retain moisture as they cook. Just be sure not to touch any part of the heating element with the foil, as this could cause a fire hazard. 


A Masterbuilt smoker is a great option for anyone looking to start smoking meats at home. It’s easy to use and produces great results. We have given in this article detailed instructions on how to use the smoker. 

Following these instructions will help you get the most out of your smoking experience. And if you have any questions, be sure to check out the FAQ section. With a little practice, you can master the art of smoking meats, and you’ll impress your friends and family in no time! 

We hope you found this article, “Masterbuilt Smoker Instructions : A Detailed Guide”, to be helpful. Please share it with your friends and family who love to smoke meat!