The Ultimate Guide to Seasoning an Electric Smoker

Have you recently purchased an electric smoker? If so, congratulations! Electric smokers are a great way to cook food, and they’re becoming increasingly popular among home cooks.

If this is your first electric smoker, there’s one important thing you need to do before you start cooking: season it. Seasoning an electric smoker is a simple process that only takes a few hours, but it’s important to do it before you start cooking.

In this article, the ultimate guide to seasoning an electric smoker, we’ll show you everything you need to know about seasoning your new electric smoker. We’ll cover why seasoning is important, how to season your smoker, and some tips for your first cook.

You can also check our articles on How to Make Smoked Sausage in Electric Smoker, How to Make Electric Smoker Chicken Thighs, Masterbuilt Smoker Instructions: A Detailed Guide, Smoked Drumsticks: How to Make Chicken Drumsticks, How to Make Masterbuilt Smoked Ribs, and How to Clean Masterbuilt Smoker.

What is Seasoning an Electric Smoker?

What is Seasoning an Electric Smoker

Seasoning an electric smoker is a process of heating the smoker to a high temperature for a period of time.

How to Season Electric Smoker?

Here are the steps for seasoning your electric smoker:

Step 1 – Assemble it for Smoking Properly

First, you need to make sure that your electric smoker is assembled correctly. This is important because you want to make sure that all of the parts are properly put together before you start using it. If you’re not sure how to do this, consult the instruction manual that came with your smoker.

Step 2 – Wash It with Mild Soap and Water Inside and Outside

Next, you’re going to want to wash your smoker inside and out with some mild soap and water. This will help remove any debris or residue that might be on the surface of your smoker. 

Step 3 – Wipe Down your Smoker

Once you’ve washed it, go ahead and wipe down your smoker with a dry cloth. Make sure that you get all of the nooks and crannies, as well as the inside of the smoker. This will help remove any soap residue that might be left behind.

Step 4 – Apply Cooking Oil

Now it’s time to apply some cooking oil to the surface of your smoker. This will help create a barrier between the metal and the food that you’ll be smoking. Simply use a paper towel or brush to apply a thin layer of oil over the entire surface of your smoker. You can use any type of cooking oil for this, but we recommend using vegetable oil.

Step 5 – Open the Top Vent and Turn On

Now it’s time to turn on your smoker. But before you do, make sure that you open up the top vent so that heat can escape as necessary. Otherwise, your smoker could get too hot and damage itself. Once you’ve opened the top vent, go ahead and turn on your smoker. 

Step 6 – Set the Temperature to Maximum

Set the temperature on your smoker to maximum and let it preheat for about 15-30 minutes or so. This will help ensure that your smoker is nice and hot when you start adding wood chips. 

Step 7 – Adding Woodchips

Now it’s time to add wood chips to your smoker. You’ll want to add about 1-2 cups of wood chips, depending on the size of your smoker. Once you’ve added the wood chips, close the lid and let the smoker do its thing. 

Step 8 – Leave to Heat Through for 3 Hours

Once you’ve added all of the wood chips, go ahead and close up the smoke chamber and let it heat through for 3 hours or so. This will help the smoker properly season itself. 

Step 9 – Finish the seasoning process

After 3 hours, open up the smoke chamber again and let it cool down completely before removing any leftover wood chips or ashes. And that’s it! You’ve now successfully seasoned your electric smoker!

How to Season Masterbuilt Electric Smoker?

If you’re the proud owner of a Masterbuilt electric smoker, you might be wondering how to go about seasoning it. Here’s a quick guide on how to season your Masterbuilt electric smoker.

Step 1: Assemble it

First things first, you need to make sure that your Masterbuilt electric smoker is properly assembled according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure that all of the parts are in working order and that everything is properly tightened before proceeding.

Step 2: Clean it

Once you’ve confirmed that your electric smoker is assembled correctly, the next step is to give it a good cleaning. You can do this by wiping down the inside and outside of the smoker with a damp cloth. You can also use a mild soap if necessary. Be sure to rinse the smoker thoroughly after cleaning it.

Step 3: Coat it with Oil

Once your smoker is cleaned, you’ll need to coat the interior with cooking oil. This will create a non-stick surface and prevent the smoker from rusting. Again, you can use any type of cooking oil for this step. 

Step 4: Switch the Smoker On

Now it’s time to turn on your smoker. Make sure that you set it to the correct temperature according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Once the smoker is turned on, you’ll need to let it run for at least 30 minutes before putting the wood chips. 

Step 5: Add Wood Chips

After the 30 minutes are up, it’s time to add wood chips to the smoker. You can use any type of wood chips that you like, but we recommend using hickory or mesquite for a fuller flavor. Once you’ve added the wood chips, close the smoker and let it continue running.

Step 6: Let it Smoke

Let the smoker run for 3-4 hours, or until the wood chips have burned up. This will help to season the smoker and prepare it for use. Be sure to cool the smoker completely before using it to cook food.

Why do we Need to Season New Smokers?

Why do we Need to Season New Smokers

If you’re new to smoking meats, you may be wondering why it’s so important to season your smoker before using it for the first time. After all, it’s just a piece of equipment, right? Wrong!

Seasoning your smoker is essential for several reasons, which we’ll explore in more detail below.

1. Seasoning can Remove any Left Residue from the Manufacturing Process

When a new smoker is being made, there is often residual oil and residue left behind from the manufacturing process. Seasoning your smoker will help to remove this unwanted residue and oil, ensuring that your food doesn’t end up tasting like a factory. 

2. Seasoning will Increase the Durability of the Smoker

A well-seasoned smoker is also a well-protected smoker. By seasoning your smoker regularly, you’ll help to create a barriers against rust and corrosion, both of which can cause serious damage to your smoker over time. 

3. Seasoning will Improve the Flavor of your Food

Perhaps most importantly, seasoning your smoker will help to improve the flavor of your food. When you season your smoker before cooking, you’re essentially creating a non-stick surface that will help to lock in all those delicious smoke flavors. As an added bonus, seasoning will also help to keep your food moist and juicy. 

Should you Use Wood Chips when Seasoning your Smoker?

Now that we know why seasoning is so important, you might be wondering whether you should use wood chips when seasoning your smoker. 

The answer is yes! There are a few reasons why wood chips are the best choice for seasoning your smoker. 

First, wood chips will help to create a smoky flavor that will be absorbed by your food. This is especially important if you’re using a new smoker for the first time, as it will help to give your food that authentic smoked flavor. 

Second, wood chips will help to create a barrier against rust and corrosion. This is because the wood chips will release oils as they smoke, which will help to protect the interior of your smoker. 

Kinds of Wood Chips

As we mentioned above, you can use any type of wood chips that you like when seasoning your smoker. However, some types of wood chips will provide a stronger flavor than others. 

Hickory and mesquite are two of the most popular types of wood chips for smoking, as they provide a strong, robust flavor. If you’re looking for a more subtle flavor, you can use apple or cherry wood chips. 

There are also a few types of wood chips that you should avoid using, as they can impart an unpleasant flavor to your food. These include pine and cedar, so be sure to steer clear of these if you’re looking for the best flavor.

Does Smoking Wood Need to Be Seasoned?

You might be wondering whether you need to season the wood that you’ll be using for smoking. The answer is no, you don’t need to season the wood, but using seasoned wood has some benefits. 

Seasoning your wood prevents it from imparting too much flavor to the meat, and it allows the smoker to control the smoke better. Seasoned wood will also produce less tar and creosote, which can build up in the smoker and cause problems. 

How Long Should you Season your Wood?

If you choose to season your wood, there are a few different methods that you can use. 

Soaking Wood Chips

One popular method is to soak the wood chips in water before using them. This will help to prevent the wood chips from burning too quickly and will also give them time to release their flavor. 

To soak your wood chips, simply place them in a bowl or container of water and let them soak for at least 30 minutes. You can also soak them overnight if you like, which will give them more time to absorb the water. 

Once your wood chips have finished soaking, drain off any excess water and they’ll be ready to use. There’s no need to dry them off, as the water will actually help to create more smoke. 

Heating Wood Chips

Another method for seasoning your wood is to heat it in the oven before using it. This will help to release the flavor of the wood and will also make it easier to light. 

To season your wood in the oven, simply preheat the oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and spread the wood chips out on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in the oven and let the wood chips heat for about 30 minutes. 

Once the wood chips have finished heating, they’ll be ready to use. Be sure to let them cool before adding them to the smoker, as they’ll be very hot. 

Things to Keep in Mind as you Season your Smoker

Things to Keep in Mind as you Season your Smoker

Now that we’ve gone over how to season your smoker, there are a few things that you should keep in mind as you do so. 

1. Never Oil the Heating Element

One of the most common mistakes people make when seasoning their smoker is oiling the heating element. This is a mistake, as oil can actually cause the heating element to overheat and catch fire. If you do oil the heating element, be sure to wipe it down thoroughly with a paper towel before using the smoker. 

2. Check the Instruction Manual

Before you begin seasoning your smoker, it’s important to read through the instruction manual. Some smokers require that you season them in a specific way, and reading the manual will give you a clear understanding of how to properly season your smoker.

It’s also a good idea to keep the manual on hand in case you have any questions while you’re seasoning your smoker.

3. Season the Smoker Outside

If at all possible, you should try to season your smoker outside. Seasoning the smoker produces a lot of smoke, and doing it inside can cause problems with smoke detectors and air quality. If you do season your smoker inside, be sure to open windows and doors to help ventilate the area.

4. Don’t Overdo it with the Wood Chips

It’s important to use enough wood chips to create a good amount of smoke, but you don’t want to use too many. If you use too many wood chips, they can actually smother the fire and cause the smoker to shut down. 

5. Never Touch a Hot Smoker

Another most important things to keep in mind when seasoning your smoker is to never touch a hot smoker. The temperatures inside a smoker can get very high, which can lead to serious injuries if you’re not careful. If you need to adjust something inside the smoker, always use gloves or tongs so that you don’t burn yourself. 

6. Be Patient

Seasoning a smoker can take some time, so it’s important to be patient. Don’t try to rush the process, as this can lead to problems. If you follow the instructions and be patient, you’ll be able to season your smoker properly and safely.

Re-Seasoning your Smoker

Once you’ve seasoned your smoker, it’s important to re-season it every so often. This will help to ensure that your smoker continues to work properly and that the flavor of the food is not impacted. 

How often you need to re-season your smoker will depend on how often you use it. If you use it frequently, you should aim to re-season it every few months. If you only use it occasionally, you may be able to get away with re-seasoning it once a year. 

Tips for your First Smoking

Tips for your First Smoking

Being a beginner smoker can be tough, as there are so many things to learn and keep in mind. However, following these tips will help to make the process a bit easier. 

1. Choose the right food meat. Not all meats are created equal when it comes to smoking. The best cuts of meat for smoking are beef brisket, pork shoulder, and ribs. These cuts have enough fat to stay moist during the smoking process, but not so much that they’re greasy.

2. Season your meat. Seasoning your meat is key to a delicious smoked dish. You can use a store-bought rub or make your own. Be sure to season your meat generously—you don’t want it to be bland.

3. Pre-heat your smoker. This is an important step that many people forget about. You need to pre-heat your smoker so that it’s at the correct temperature when you put the meat in. Otherwise, you risk overcooking or undercooking your food. Set your smoker to 225 degrees Fahrenheit and let it heat up for 30 minutes before adding your meat.

4. Another important consideration is the type of wood you use. Different woods will impart different flavors on your food, so choose wisely based on what type of flavor you want. Fruit woods like apple and cherry are good for poultry and pork, while hickory and mesquite are better for beef and lamb. 

5. Don’t over smoke your food. Smoking is a slow process, and it can be tempting to leave the meat in for longer to get a stronger flavor. However, this can lead to your food becoming overly smoky and unpleasant to eat. A general rule of thumb is to smoke your food for 1 hour per pound. 

6. Use a thermostat. This is the best way to ensure that your food cooks evenly and doesn’t get overcooked. A remote thermometer is ideal so that you can check the temperature without opening the smoker and letting all the heat out.

7. Don’t open the smoker door too often. Every time you open the smoker door, heat escapes and it takes longer for the smoker to recover. This can lead to uneven cooking and longer cook times. Only open the door when absolutely necessary.

8. Keep an eye on the water pan. The water pan helps to keep the meat moist during the smoking process. However, if the water runs out, it can cause the meat to dry out. Check the water level periodically and add more as needed.

9. Use foil wisely. Many people like to wrap their meat in foil during the smoking process. This helps to lock in moisture and flavor. However, if you use too much foil, it can make your meat soggy. only use foil for the last hour or so of smoking.

10. Let the meat rest. Once your meat is done smoking, it’s important to let it rest for at least 30 minutes before cutting into it. This will give the juices time to redistribute, resulting in a juicier and more flavorful final product. 

Seasoning an Electric Smoker FAQs

Is it necessary to pre season a smoker?

Pre-seasoning your smoker is not strictly necessary. However, it is recommended in order to get the best results. 

What is the best oil to season a smoker with?

When it comes to smoking food, there are a variety of different oils that can be used to season an electric smoker. Nevertheless, some oils are better than others. 

Some oils will burn off quickly, leaving behind a bitter taste. Other oils will simply not adhere to the food, making them ineffective as a seasoning agent. The best oil to season an electric smoker with is one that has a high smoke point and a neutral flavor. 

Manufacturers generally recommend canola or peanut oil since they have a smoke point of at least 450° F. Some other oils you can use are vegetable, sunflower or avocado.

Should I season the outside of my smoker?

No, there is no need to season the outside of your smoker. The only parts of the smoker that need to be seasoned are the racks and the interior walls. 

How Long Should You Wait Before Smoking Meats?

It is recommended that you wait at least 24 hours after seasoning your smoker before smoking meats. This will give the oil time to cure and form a protective barrier. 

What should you smoke for the first time with an electric smoker?

When smoking meats for the first time, it is best to start with something simple like chicken or pork. These meats are less likely to dry out, making them ideal for beginners. Once you get the hang of smoking meats, you can move on to more challenging cuts like beef or lamb. 

Which wood chunks can you use for seasoning an electric smoker?

Just like wood chips, there are a variety of different wood chunks that can be used to season an electric smoker. In general, you should use chunks that are from fruit trees. These include apple, cherry, peach and apricot. Other alternatives include hickory, mesquite, and pecan.


Seasoning an electric smoker is a process that will improve the flavor of your food and make it easier to clean. Although it may seem like a lot of work, the process is actually quite simple. The most important thing is to be patient and take your time. 

The ultimate guide to seasoning an electric smoker will help you get the most out of your smoker. By following these tips, you can be sure that your smoked meats will be flavorful and juicy. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today and see the difference for yourself!